• The current raster package does not compress GeoTIFF raster files any longer by default. This is probably due to the switch from rgdal to terra and has been fixed by generally using the LZW algorithm.
  • Fixed warning “GDAL Message 6: driver GTiff does not support creation option COMPRESSED” curiously only occurring in the reference on GitHub Pages.
  • Removed hydroGOF from imported packages list (maptools is retiring and hydroGOF depends on it via hydroTSM). Thanks to Roger Bivand for raising this issue (#17).
  • Bumped minimum tested R version from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 using the corresponding Posit Public Package Manager snapshot.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • Removed rgdal from suggested packages list and set minimum required version of the raster package to ≥ 3.6.3 (rgdal is retiring and raster ≥ 3.6.3 does not depend on it any longer). Thanks to Roger Bivand for raising this issue (#17).
  • Bumped minimum tested R version from 4.1.2 to 4.2.2 using the corresponding MRAN repository snapshot.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.
  • Removed NRMSE from calibration quality metrics and added KGE as well as RCV.
  • Added autoCalibrate2() method: allows for calibrating the overland and channel deposition rate in one go.
  • DEMrelatedInput() can handle multiple catchment outlets now and so does calibrationQuality().
  • DEMrelatedInput() now returns the breached DEM with reversed stream burning if applicable instead of the original one.
  • DEMrelatedInput() now calculates “correct” slopes even if the channels used for stream burning contain gaps.
  • RPhosFate now makes sure that the x- and y-coordinates of gauges used for calibration lie within the extent of the river catchment object.
  • Renamed "inChannelRetention" output of calibrationQuality() to "inChannelRetentionRatio".
  • RPhosFate requires R ≥ 3.5.0 now.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Monte Carlo simulation mode can now make use of repeated random samples, i.e. raster data, of distributions of about all input data.
  • Added the following arguments to the subsequentRun() method, which allow for calling the respective methods:
    • erosionPrerequisites
    • erosion
    • emission
    • transportPrerequisites
    • transportCalcOrder
  • Added cv_MCl argument to RPhosFate() and catchment() methods: allows for specifying the names of the layers, which shall be written to disk with the associated Monte Carlo iteration in their filenames upon calling the appropriate methods.
  • Initialising a project in Monte Carlo simulation mode now also reads model results produced by a possible earlier run associated with the specified iteration. This implies that Monte Carlo input data additionally can reside in the project root subdirectories and not only in a separate directory.
  • Plot produced by calibrationQuality() is now prettier.
  • Added a vignette describing the basic modelling workflow.
  • RPhosFate now depends on the spatstat.geom instead of the spatstat package.
  • Fixed minimum required version of the whitebox package (≥ 2.0.0).
  • Added test for the standard use case of the DEMrelatedInput() function.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • DEMrelatedInput() function now calculates the slopes from the breached DEM (stream burning is undone beforehand).
  • Switched to utilising GeoTIFF (*.tif) instead of Erdas Imagine (*.img) raster files.
  • Added cs_fex argument to DEMrelatedInput() function: allows for using Erdas Imagine raster files for backward compatibility.
  • Added cs_dir argument to DEMrelatedInput() function: allows for utilising an existing D8 flow directions raster using ArcGIS codes.
  • Added demoProject() function providing training data.
  • Added examples to documentation.
  • Fixed backward incompatibility.
  • Added tests utilising the unit testing framework of the tinytest package.
  • Added means to measure code coverage with the help of covr.