Obtains a single model parameter or all model parameters at once.

# S4 method for class 'RPhosFate'
getParameter(x, parameter = NULL)



An S4 RPhosFate river catchment object.


A character string specifying a parameter name or NULL for a list of all parameters. See model parameter arguments section for further information.


Depends on the queried parameter or a list in case of all parameters. See model parameter arguments section for further information.

Model parameter arguments

  • ns_slp_min: A numeric scalar specifying the minimum bounding slope in % (defaults to 1.0).

  • ns_slp_max: A numeric scalar specifying the maximum bounding slope in % (defaults to 999.0).

  • ns_rhy_a: A numeric scalar specifying a network constant depending on the discharge frequency needed for the calculation of the hydraulic radius, which in turn is a prerequisite for substance transport (defaults to 0.09 representing a discharge frequency of approximately six years).

  • ns_rhy_b: A numeric scalar specifying a geometry scaling exponent depending on the discharge frequency needed for the calculation of the hydraulic radius, which in turn is a prerequisite for substance transport (defaults to 0.50 representing a discharge frequency of approximately six years).

  • ns_cha_rto: A numeric scalar specifying the ratio of the channel to the cell width determining the widths of the riparian zones required for substance transport (defaults to 0.5).

  • ns_man_rip: A numeric scalar specifying Manning's roughness coefficient of the riparian zones within channel cells required for substance transport (defaults to 0.32).

  • ns_man_cha: A numeric scalar specifying Manning's roughness coefficient of the channel within channel cells required for substance transport (defaults to 0.04).

  • ns_dep_ovl: A numeric scalar specifying the overland deposition rate per second required for substance transport (calibration parameter; no default).

  • ns_dep_cha: A numeric scalar specifying the channel deposition rate per second required for substance transport (calibration parameter; no default).

  • nv_tfc_inl: A named numeric vector specifying the inlet transfer coefficients required for substance transport, for example, c(SS = 0.6, PP = 0.6) (no default).

  • nv_enr_rto A named numeric vector specifying the substance enrichment ratios required for substance except SS transport, for example, c(PP = 2.0) (calibration parameter; no default).

  • nm_olc: A two column numeric matrix specifying one or more catchment outlet coordinates required for the in-channel retention ratio of calibrationQuality (no default).

  • df_cdt: A data.frame with calibration data, which must have at least the following three columns and one or more columns with substance river loads in t/yr (no default):

    • ID: ID(s) of the gauge(s)

    • x: x-coordinate(s) of the gauge(s)

    • y: y-coordinate(s) of the gauge(s)

See also


# temporary demonstration project copy
cv_dir <- demoProject()
#> Warning: A folder called "demoProject" already exists and is left as is.
# load temporary demonstration project
x <- RPhosFate(
  cv_dir = cv_dir,
  ls_ini = TRUE

#> $ns_slp_min
#> [1] 1
#> $ns_slp_max
#> [1] 999
#> $ns_rhy_a
#> [1] 0.09
#> $ns_rhy_b
#> [1] 0.5
#> $ns_cha_rto
#> [1] 0.5
#> $ns_man_rip
#> [1] 0.32
#> $ns_man_cha
#> [1] 0.04
#> $ns_dep_ovl
#> [1] 0.002
#> $ns_dep_cha
#> [1] 0
#> $nv_tfc_inl
#>  SS  PP 
#> 0.6 0.6 
#> $nv_enr_rto
#> PP 
#>  2 
#> $nm_olc
#>         [,1]    [,2]
#> [1,] 4704255 2795195
#> $df_cdt
#>   ID       x       y SS_load  PP_load
#> 1 G3 4704246 2795192  28.082 0.027168
#> 2 G2 4704193 2795374  19.425 0.020549
#> 3 G1 4704054 2795604   2.387 0.002127
getParameter(x, "ns_dep_ovl")
#> [1] 0.002