Returns the values of a DTSg
# S3 method for class 'DTSg'
reference = FALSE,
drop = FALSE,
class = c("data.table", "data.frame"),
object (S3 method only).
A logical specifying if a copy of the values or a reference to the values shall be returned. See corresponding section for further information.
A logical specifying if the object and all references to it shall
be removed from the global (and only the global) environment after
successfully returning its values. This feature allows for a resource
efficient destruction of a DTSg
object while preserving its values.
A character string specifying the class of the returned values.
only works when either a copy of the values is returned or
the object is dropped.
Not used (S3 method only).
Returns a data.table::data.table
, a reference to a
or a data.frame
The original name of the .dateTime column is restored when not returned as a reference or when dropped.
A reference to the values of a DTSg
object can be used to modify them in
place. This includes the .dateTime column, which serves as the object's
time index. Modifying this column can therefore endanger the object's
integrity. In case needs to do so ever arise, refresh
should be called
immediately afterwards in order to check the object's integrity.
# new DTSg object
x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
# get values
## R6 method
#> Key: <date>
#> date flow
#> <POSc> <num>
#> 1: 2007-01-01 9.540
#> 2: 2007-01-02 9.285
#> 3: 2007-01-03 8.940
#> 4: 2007-01-04 8.745
#> 5: 2007-01-05 8.490
#> ---
#> 2188: 2012-12-27 26.685
#> 2189: 2012-12-28 28.050
#> 2190: 2012-12-29 23.580
#> 2191: 2012-12-30 18.840
#> 2192: 2012-12-31 17.250
## S3 method
values(x = x)
#> Key: <date>
#> date flow
#> <POSc> <num>
#> 1: 2007-01-01 9.540
#> 2: 2007-01-02 9.285
#> 3: 2007-01-03 8.940
#> 4: 2007-01-04 8.745
#> 5: 2007-01-05 8.490
#> ---
#> 2188: 2012-12-27 26.685
#> 2189: 2012-12-28 28.050
#> 2190: 2012-12-29 23.580
#> 2191: 2012-12-30 18.840
#> 2192: 2012-12-31 17.250