Shortens, lengthens, filters for a consecutive range, changes the periodicity and/or the status of missing values of a DTSg object.

# S3 method for class 'DTSg'
  from = first(self$values(reference = TRUE)[[".dateTime"]]),
  to = last(self$values(reference = TRUE)[[".dateTime"]]),
  by = self$periodicity,
  rollback = TRUE,
  clone = getOption("DTSgClone"),
  na.status = self$na.status,



A DTSg object (S3 method only).


A POSIXct timestamp in the same time zone as the time series or a character string coercible to one. Specifies the new start of the time series.


A POSIXct timestamp in the same time zone as the time series or a character string coercible to one. Specifies the new end of the time series.


Specifies the new periodicity in one of the ways the by argument of seq.POSIXt can be specified. Must be specified for time series with unrecognised periodicity. Time steps out of sync with the new periodicity are dropped.


A logical specifying if a call to rollback shall be made when appropriate.


A logical specifying if the object shall be modified in place or if a deep clone (copy) shall be made beforehand.


A character string. Either "explicit", which makes missing timestamps explicit according to the recognised periodicity, or "implicit", which removes timestamps with missing values on all value columns. Please note that DTSg objects work best with explicitly missing values.


Not used (S3 method only).


Returns a DTSg object.

See also


# new DTSg object
x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)

# filter for the first two years
## R6 method
  from = "2007-01-01",
  to = "2008-12-31"
#> Values:
#>       .dateTime   flow
#>          <POSc>  <num>
#>   1: 2007-01-01  9.540
#>   2: 2007-01-02  9.285
#>   3: 2007-01-03  8.940
#>   4: 2007-01-04  8.745
#>   5: 2007-01-05  8.490
#>  ---                  
#> 727: 2008-12-27 18.180
#> 728: 2008-12-28 16.575
#> 729: 2008-12-29 13.695
#> 730: 2008-12-30 12.540
#> 731: 2008-12-31 11.940
#> Aggregated:     FALSE
#> Regular:        TRUE
#> Periodicity:    Time difference of 1 days
#> Missing values: explicit
#> Time zone:      UTC
#> Timestamps:     731

## S3 method
  x = x,
  from = "2007-01-01",
  to = "2008-12-31"
#> Values:
#>       .dateTime   flow
#>          <POSc>  <num>
#>   1: 2007-01-01  9.540
#>   2: 2007-01-02  9.285
#>   3: 2007-01-03  8.940
#>   4: 2007-01-04  8.745
#>   5: 2007-01-05  8.490
#>  ---                  
#> 727: 2008-12-27 18.180
#> 728: 2008-12-28 16.575
#> 729: 2008-12-29 13.695
#> 730: 2008-12-30 12.540
#> 731: 2008-12-31 11.940
#> Aggregated:     FALSE
#> Regular:        TRUE
#> Periodicity:    Time difference of 1 days
#> Missing values: explicit
#> Time zone:      UTC
#> Timestamps:     731

# change periodicity to one month
## R6 method
x$alter(by = "1 month")$print()
#> Values:
#>      .dateTime   flow
#>         <POSc>  <num>
#>  1: 2007-01-01  9.540
#>  2: 2007-02-01 11.055
#>  3: 2007-03-01  8.865
#>  4: 2007-04-01 16.770
#>  5: 2007-05-01  8.355
#> ---                  
#> 68: 2012-08-01 11.325
#> 69: 2012-09-01  7.365
#> 70: 2012-10-01  7.140
#> 71: 2012-11-01 10.890
#> 72: 2012-12-01  5.475
#> Aggregated:     FALSE
#> Regular:        FALSE
#> Periodicity:    1 months
#> Min lag:        Time difference of 28 days
#> Max lag:        Time difference of 31 days
#> Missing values: explicit
#> Time zone:      UTC
#> Timestamps:     72

## S3 method
print(alter(x = x, by = "1 month"))
#> Values:
#>      .dateTime   flow
#>         <POSc>  <num>
#>  1: 2007-01-01  9.540
#>  2: 2007-02-01 11.055
#>  3: 2007-03-01  8.865
#>  4: 2007-04-01 16.770
#>  5: 2007-05-01  8.355
#> ---                  
#> 68: 2012-08-01 11.325
#> 69: 2012-09-01  7.365
#> 70: 2012-10-01  7.140
#> 71: 2012-11-01 10.890
#> 72: 2012-12-01  5.475
#> Aggregated:     FALSE
#> Regular:        FALSE
#> Periodicity:    1 months
#> Min lag:        Time difference of 28 days
#> Max lag:        Time difference of 31 days
#> Missing values: explicit
#> Time zone:      UTC
#> Timestamps:     72